PANadelphia just keeps growing and growing. Our website has gotten a lot more fleshed out. We've added a bunch of youtube videos that were taken by our members in the Art EnMotion section. You can check out the latest ones here. We also have our most extensive set of photographs of our tapestries uploaded to our Artistries section. They were taken by Eric Sipes and you can check them out here. The members section has grown, but we still need all of you who aren't on it to send a picture, a short bio about the work that you do, and links to anything you'd like. If you're in a band then we'd like separate bio's for the band and it's members. We also want bios for any organization or businesses theWe added Greyboy's Tobacco Shop to our members businesses section. Owned and operated by Marc Singer of Philadelphia Brothers Reunion, they host weekly open mics in Clifton Heights on Wednesdays. PANadelphia will be there on the 18th of May, and if you want to catch up with PBR and PANadelphia in Philly, just come on out to The Open Sunday Jam ArtParty at the Blockley. Coming up this weekend, we have Raise The Vibe FUNdraiser and Silent Art Auction at LAVA Zone on Friday, May 6th. Then on up to Tamaqua in Lehigh Valley for the May Flora Fest. On Sunday we'll be at The Blockley and on Wednesday we will be at the Rotunda for Poet~Tree enMotion doing the PANadelphia ArtParty with Ali & The Cassius Clays. Hope all you PANsters can make it out and remember... TIME IS ART!!!!
PANadelphiaTime Is Art! :: T(E)=ART Archives
June 2011